Friday, March 29, 2013

Come to the CLUSTERPALOOZA at Studio Miki- Limited Intro Sales Pricing!

***Limited introductory sales pricing***


Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 2" by Microferk Designs, you get 8 unique, already assembled, unshadowed and pre-shadowed (120°) clusters, with embellishments galore "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. Designed at 300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!

Check out other "Clusters" by Microferk Designs

Clsuters V2
Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 3" by Microferk Designs, you get 8 unique, already assembled, unshadowed and pre-shadowed (120°) clusters, with embellishments galore "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. Designed at 300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!

Clsuters V3
Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 4" by Microferk Designs, you get 8 unique, already assembled, unshadowed and pre-shadowed (120°) chip-n-glitter clusters, with simple embellishments to help in "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. Designed at  300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!

Clsuters V4
Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 5" by Microferk Designs, you get 5 unique, already assembled, unshadowed and pre-shadowed (120°) clusters, with embellishments galore "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. You also get 4 unique journal cards and 3 different tags with strings. Designed at 300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!

Clsuters V5
Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 6" by Microferk Designs, you get 8 unique, already assembled, unshadowed and pre-shadowed (120°) clusters, with embellishments galore "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. Designed at 300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!

Clsuters V6

Looking for a simple and beautiful way to create your layouts? Look no further! In "Clusters Vol 1" by Microferk Designs, you get 9 unique, already assembled, pre-shadowed (120°) clusters, with embellishments galore "prettifying" your creations! Just add to your layouts to give them that extra special touch. Designed at 300ppi for stunning print clarity, saved as png files to preserve transparency and each is placed in its own file! Some shown smaller than actual files!
Clsuters V1


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